Vegalab Nematode Control
Price is per gallon
One gallon makes 500-1,000 gallons ready to use product
Price is per gallon
One gallon makes 500-1,000 gallons ready to use product
Price is per gallon
One gallon makes 500-1,000 gallons ready to use product
Nematode Control is our next generation nematicide built around our patented proprietary micronization technology. Compatibility testing on a wide range of crops including grapes, potatoes, peppers, cotton, onions, almonds, pistachios, carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, melons, strawberries, and watermelons have shown over 90% efficacy using this product. Nematode Control has been proven to significantly impact the population of parasitic nematode species including, but not limited to, root knot, burrowing, lesion, pin, dagger, and spiral. Nematode Control enhances plant disease resistance, is broadly recommended, and can be used in various fields such as forestry, horticulture, lawn care, and agriculture for use in all crops.
Nematode Control minimizes root knots and egg hatching of phytonematodes by disrupting their feeding and reproduction and reproduction, leading to their death. It also minimizes the effects of soil pathogens and various impediments caused from soil and climate factors. Nematode Control enhances plant disease resistance and stimulates root growth as well as plant health. Some nematodes are beneficial to plant growth, but others are detrimental. Nematode Control targets the harmful nematodes, which attack plants and serve as carriers for plant viruses in crops.
Nematode Control is a nematicidal agent derived from natural plant extracts that is used to control many species of plant parasitic nematodes. Application methods are as broad as the suppression results. Applications can be made via drip, sprinkler, micro sprinklers, band and flood. Can be combined in a tank mix with standard fertilizers for an easier application. Apply with enough water to set in the root zone. Rates will vary depending on crop from 3 qts to 2 gal per acre per application. Nematode Control has been proven as a replacement for fumigation with no set back issues. Nematode Control is a leading nematicide that has a zero PHI & REI, and can be used in conventional and organic production.