/ Agriculture / Products / Fertilizers / Micro Boost

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Micro Boost

Micronutrients with Essential Trace Elements

Micro Boost is a liquid fertilizer used to address minor element deficiencies for all crops and to meet a specific nutrient need. This product contains important macro, secondary, and micronutrients that are necessary for healthy, robust plant growth and proper enzymatic function. These essential elements are readily available, through the addition of chelating and complexing agents, for plants that require quick assimilation of micronutrients.


  • Effective at combating micronutrient deficiencies

  • Effective at promoting fruit set

  • Effective at improving resistance against plant stress caused by environment, disease, etc.


Micro Boost is composed of the necessary micronutrients, minor elements, chelating agents, and natural sugars required for robust plants.

Active Ingredients

Nematode Control uses the natural extract geraniol as the active ingredient to reach the highest level of efficacy, while greatly reducing the environmental impact of using this product. Geraniol is our best recommendation for natural control of plant parasitic nematodes.

Safety & Environmental Info

Appropriate land management practices should be used at all times with any fertilizer; this material should be prevented from entering public or private water supplies (including wells) and any lake, stream, or river.

Mode of Action

Micro Boost contains five necessary micronutrients that aid in stress resistance, pollination, and in correcting micronutrient deficiencies. Micro Boost helps the movement of calcium and promotes crop development through the absorption of inorganic nutrients trapped in soil. This allows the plants roots to absorb micronutrients in the soil, alleviating micronutrient deficiencies and physiological disorders.
Boron has an important role in the circulation of sugars, primarily saccharose. Copper promotes photosynthesis in plants and is beneficial to building enzymes. Iron takes part in the respiratory processes of the plant and contributes to the formation of proteins. Molybdenum is an essential element in the plants for the synthesis of amino acids from nitrogen absorbed. Zinc acts as an activator of some important functions in plants and participates in the the formation of auxins and growth hormones.

Directions for Use

Crop Type Mix Rate Dilution Ratio Foliar Spray Soil Irrigation Timing & Frequency
Fruit trees of pip 2.5 - 4.7 mL/ 1 gal 8.5 - 16 oz/ 100 gal 1:1,000 - 1:1,500 (Before fruiting) 1:800 1:1,000 (During fruit enlargement period) Make 2 – 5 applications: 1 - 2 times right before bloom and 1 - 3 times during fruit enlargement
Rice 2.5 - 3.8 mL/ 1 gal 8.5 - 12.8 oz/ 100 gal 1:1,500 - 1:1,000 Make 1 - 4 applications at the end of cropping season
Fruits, peppers, tomatoes, etc. 2.5 - 3.8 mL/ 1 gal 8.5 - 12.8 oz/ 100 gal 1:1,500 - 1:1,000 0.2 – 0.6 oz/ 1,000 ft210.4 – 27.7 oz/ Acre 25.0 – 66.6 oz/ Ha 2.9 – 3.5 oz/ 1,000 ft21.0 – 1.2 gal/ Acre 2.6 – 3.1 gal/ Ha 1 - 5 times in beginning of growth and during the harvest season
Fruit trees of stone 1.9 - 2.5 mL/ 1 gal 6.4 - 8.5 oz/ 100 gal 1:2,000 - 1:1,500 Make 1 - 5 applications throughout all cropping season
Cultivation in general 3.8 mL/ 1 gal 12.8 oz/ 100 gal 1:1,000 Make 1 - 2 applications when a deficiency appears

Mix Rate

The mix rate for Micro Boost is 3.8 - 4.7 mL (3/4 – 1 tsp.) per 1 gallon of water that can be applied directly to the plants or the soil.

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