/ Agriculture / Products / Fertilizers / Sun Boost

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Sun Boost

Natural Low Light Foliar Photosynthetic Stimulant

Sun Boost is a natural mineral agent for the stimulation of photosynthesis; this can be applied as a foliar spray. It helps plants collect more sunlight, which improves the size of plants, their leaves, and the fruit size and taste.


To apply Sun Boost, add 5.8 mL (1 1/6 tsp.) of product with one gallon (1 gal) of water to properly dilute. After dilution, use as a foliar spray 3-4 times throughout the growing season. For area applications, use 6.9 oz to 10.4 oz per acre of land as a foliar spray. Do not apply prior to excessive rain as this may reduce product effectiveness.
1. Properly dilute and make sure no sediment is left during dilution
2. This product can be used with other chemicals(please avoid using with strong acids, strong alkali,
or calcium fertilizers)
3. Please spray within 4 hours after diluting with water
4. Keep it out of direct sunlight
5. Do not use any insecticide with this product

Active Ingredients

Sun Boost uses natural titanium dioxide (TiO2) as the active ingredient to reach the highest level of efficacy, while greatly reducing the environmental impact of using this product. The application of titanium dioxide (TiO2) on food crops promotes plant growth, increases the photosynthetic rate, reduces disease severity, and enhances crop yield. A diluted application of TiO2has been proven to be beneficial to crops by increasing their photosynthetic ability.

Safety & Environmental Info

Appropriate land management practices should be used at all times with any fertilizer; this material should be prevented from entering public or private water supplies (including wells) and any lake, stream, or river. This product is made from naturally derived ingredients and is non-toxic.

Mode of Action

Sun Boost must be applied as a foliar spray on to leaves. The product helps deliver more natural light to crops, increasing resistance to disease, and activating antimicrobial functions. As this is a stimulant, helping plants in their photosynthesizing activity, it will minimize stress from lack of sunshine/photosynthesis during wet seasons. It also improves fruit taste, size, and insect/disease resistance that will lead to more profitable farm production.

Directions for Use

Crop Name Foliar Spray Mix Rate Dilution Ratio Time to Use
All crops 0.1 - 0.2 oz/ 1,000 ft2
6.9 - 10.4 oz/ Acre
16.6 - 25 oz/ Ha
5.8 mL/ 1 gal
19.7 oz/ 100 gal
1:650 3 – 4 times soil irrigation or foliar spray throughout cropping season

Mix Rate


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