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14 June 2014


Why Eco-responsible products are more important than ever before

Today show host Natalie Morales gave a report on a new study that finds that pregnant women who live near farmland where pesticides are used have a higher chance of giving birth to children with autism or other developmental issues.

Scientific America also published a lengthy article that gets more in depth about the growing number of autism cases in the country and the environmental factors that are playing a role.http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/autism-rise-driven-by-environment/

This study is bringing further attention to the social and economical impact that these harmful synthetic pesticide chemicals can have on all of us. Around the world there are countries that are taking action by banning agricultural products that are harmful to the environment. The idea that pesticides are harmful is nothing new. An 1989 New York Times Story reads a lot like what we read today about pesticides and food contamination.

One part of the article states:  Among the N.R.D.C.’s findings: Between 5,500 and 6,200 of today’s preschoolers may get cancer sometime in their life solely because of their exposure to eight pesticides in amounts typically found in fruits and vegetables – amounts that are well within Federal limits.

America has been on alert about pesticides for more than a quarter of a century; reading the Silent Spring by Rachel Carson is a reminder.  Carsons book came out in 1962 where she expressed the environmental problems that she believed were caused by synthetic pesticides.

Fortunately, there is a growing awareness towards eco-responsibility but we still have a long way to go.

Technology has allowed us to find innovative ways to develop products that help farmers grow healthy crops without leaving a devastating chemical footprint. Long gone are the days when we were forced to treat our plants and other crops with harsh agents. These chemicals seep into our food, our water, and pollute our environment, leaving us and our children vulnerable to potential health issues.

Scientist s and researches will say that direct correlation hasn't been made, but why wait? Reducing health concerns can happen right now by making the switch to natural pesticides and products.

Our scientists are using compounds that are new to the current market and have never been introduced into current commercial agricultural practices. Our research has led us to extract and find substances from specific plants and develop new practices that differ from the current trends and methodology seen in the farming world.  We use micronization and amplification technologies to make healthier natural products.

Yes, switching from potentially dangerous pesticides and other chemicals to natural ones can be costly. But what price are we paying for the continued use of these chemicals?

The point is that there are sustainable and environmentally responsible alternatives. Why wait for more studies to come out linking harmful pesticides to health problems? Lets make the change now. What are your thoughts?